
Malavika Nair




Nitte Deemed to be University, Mangalore

Building the summit was magical and empowering.

You know the feeling when it's over and you sit on the stage remembering every bit of the day and it just feels like it just got over too quickly, like time just flew and maybe a few tears in your eyes -happy tears duh!

It all started on September 12th, 2023 at 10:10 pm when Rushil(Intern at Under 25) finally confirmed that we can officially start with our work and begin building the festival. Our countdown began then and there. Be it making reels, designing the posts, marketing the summit or selling the tickets, our team did it all with their full efforts.

Building the summit with the whole team and experiencing it was magical and empowering.

Learned a lot, laughed a lot, made new friends and had fun.

The summit brought people together, for that one month it felt like no matter what happens we will make it happen and we did.

All in all it's been 2 months since our summit and I miss the hustle.

The summit taught me a lot of things. It made me realise that not everything is gonna go according to plan but that doesn't mean you don't plan either. Oh! And most importantly Excel sheets is a life saviour and the summit intentionally or unintentionally gave me a crash course on that.

It helped realise that I am not bad under pressure but at the same time I know I can do better and maybe at the next summit, I might!

To anyone who is on here thinking if you should be conducting a summit at their campus, all I want to say is do it!. Take that first step because when you witness something you helped create, the feeling is just something else.

Can’t wait to host the next Nitte DU Summit!

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