
Younus Fardeen




The Oxford College of Engineering

I earned Rs. 30,000 and won a GoPro Hero 9!

I used to be very shy and I never talked much. But one day, I filled out a Google form, and that changed everything. I became a part of Under 25 through the Snapchat Opinion Leader Program.

At first, I was scared to talk to people and join online meetings because of anxiety.

But Under 25 gave me a safe and supportive space to overcome this. I learned to create Snapchat lenses and got over 100+ million views, even making it to the trending page. I earned around Rs. 30,000 and even got a GoPro Hero 9 – it was unbelievable!

Being an explorer on the App opened doors to fun opportunities. I further became a student leader at the Under 25 Summit 2023, learning a lot from being a part of such a big event.

Most importantly, Under 25 helped me become more confident and outgoing. The skills and experiences I gained led to a job interview, and I got the job! I'm thankful for all the positive changes that Under 25 brought into my life. It's a special part of my journey.

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